How can I pay for nursing home care?

Many people are concerned about how to pay for nursing home care. It is not just the people who need this type of care themselves, but also family members who want to make sure that their loved ones are cared for and supported as needed. Living in a nursing home can be quite expensive, and some homes are better equipped for certain situations than others. In most cases, people entering nursing homes start out by paying for the care they receive out-of-pocket. This can take a lot of people’s resources and can end up becoming a hardship over time.


Fortunately, when people become eligible for Medicaid, options can grow. On the other side of things, Medicare does not often cover long-term stays in nursing homes. Even without this being covered, however, Medicare is still essential. It helps pay for expenses related to hospital care, doctors services, and medical supplies, all while you are in the nursing home.


Different types of Medicare can be beneficial for people who are living in nursing homes.


Does Medicare Cover Nursing Homes?


If a person is living in a nursing home, the costs can add up quickly. Many people think that senior citizens do not have to worry about living in nursing homes, in terms of expenses, because Medicare will help pay for the costs. While Medicare does pay for a wide range of healthcare costs, custodial care in a nursing home does not fit the definitions or descriptions of healthcare.


Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, hospice, home health services, short-term skilled nursing facility stays with restrictions, and other things as well. It does not cover long-term nursing home stays. Original Medicare does not pay for custodial care, even though your doctor may determine that you need the care.


What Are My Alternative Options To Pay For Nursing Homes?


There are a number of options people have for paying for nursing homes. Custodial services that happen at nursing homes, including bathing, assistance with meals, and toiletry, among other things, are not covered. The Medicare plans do provide the same benefits they would provide if you are still living at your residence, however. If someone at a nursing home needs to go to the hospital, as an example, Medicare Part A benefits will still cover its share of the costs. In addition, Medicare Part B will still pay for its share when it comes to doctors’ visits, preventative health screenings, and medically necessary services.


Also, Medicare Part D will still help cover the costs of prescription drugs, even when a person is living in a nursing home. People who have Medicare Part C, also called a Medicare Advantage Plan are also not likely to have custodial care of this type covered. In some cases, nursing home residents will be eligible for Medicaid after depleting their other resources.


Does Medicaid Cover Nursing Homes?


For people who have no means of paying for long-term care at a nursing home, Medicaid can be a help. This program can cover the cost of custodial care for people who are in nursing homes. All eligibility requirements for Medicaid need to be met, something to consider. States themselves have a lot of options when administering Medicaid. What this means is that both state guidelines for your state, as well as federal guidelines, must be met for Medicaid to start paying costs related to staying in a nursing home.


Just because a person has Medicaid does not mean that they are automatically eligible for nursing home coverage. Long-term care requirements in your state need to be met. A state will look at a person’s long-term medical care needs and conduct assessments. Also, all nursing homes do not accept Medicaid. Homes that do accept Medicaid plans are required to maintain licensure and certification as a nursing facility for Medicaid. If a person is at a particular nursing home and moves on to Medicaid, they might not be able to stay at the facility they are in and may need to move to a different facility.


Remember that people’s income situation can change over time, so even if a person did not qualify for Medicaid last year, this year they might. Check your state guidelines to find out what the income requirements are, as well as the other regulations, in terms of Medicare eligibility. Also, take advantage of the tools on this website to find the best options for nursing home care, Medicare, and Medicaid. With a little bit of research and planning the right options for your unique situation can be found.

Affordable Medicare Advantage in Oregon